Instructions for Course Blog Responses

Responses can be informal (1st person is ok), are graded pass/fail, gauge your reading, and facilitate in-class book discussions. In order to pass, each response must fully answer the requirements of the original post (OP), be at least 300 words long, use complete sentences, clearly identify the student author from this course, include at least three pieces of specific information that no one has mentioned before in the blog, and cite specific information from the book using page number or numbers in parentheses, such as (30) or (31-33). 
Responses are due by midnight (12 am) on the day the blog response is assigned in V. COURSE SCHEDULE. No late entries will receive a passing grade. Passing all blog responses earns a 1% course grade bonus.  

If you are uncertain how to use this blog, consult a classmate for assistance.


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